Thursday, April 28, 2011

US colleges plan differential tuition for different majors

Different college majors require different kind of infrastructure. While humanities majors only need seminar rooms and libraries, engineering and science majors require expensive laboratories.

Several US universities consider charging higher tuition for undergraduates depending on their major - a system called "differential tuition".

According to the Omaha World Herald, 57% of 162 public research universities employ some form of differential tuition.

Some universities defend the practice of differential tuition by arguing that "studies where students will have strong earnings and the capacity to take on more debt, or where there’s a special case for investing more in a particular field" (from the World Herald).

Charging science and engineering students higher tuition could be counterproductive to encouraging more students to enter these fields.
Should Universities Base Tuition Off of a Student’s Major? | Geekosystem

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chinese Government bans Science Fiction and Fantasy TV shows

New guidelines set forth by the Chinese State Administration of Radio Film and Television plans banning science fiction, supernatural, and fantasy television shows. They consider “fantasy, time-travel, random compilations of mythical stories, bizarre plots, absurd techniques, even propagating feudal superstitions, fatalism and reincarnation, ambiguous moral lessons, and a lack of positive thinking" to be in conflict with Chinese heritage.
Suggested alternatives are reproductions of the Chinese revolution and historical pieces with an emphasis on construction and reform.
Read more here: “No Time-Travel,” Says Chinese Government

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Car powered by aluminum

Aleix Llovet and Xavier Salueña

Inspired by the fusion-powered DeLorean from "Back to The Future"Aleix Llovet and Xavier Salueña from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya built a remote control car, called the dAlh2Orean, that captures hydrogen created by the interaction of sodium hydroxide and aluminium. The hydrogen is then used to power an on-board fuel cell, leaving no polluting waste material. Additionally, the remaining fuel material can be reprocessed. See more info in the press conference.
See a demonstration in the video below.

dAlH2Orean H2 R/C Car powered by Aluminium from Aleix Llovet on Vimeo.

Found here: Aleix Llovet - Xavier Salueña - dAlh2Orean | Geekosystem

Monday, April 4, 2011

Secret Messages in Company Logos

Did you ever notice that the well-known FedEx logo has an arrow between the E and the X?

Or that the Amazon logo has a yellow arrow that implies that they deliver from "A->Z"?

See more fascinating hidden messages in logos in this blog entry: Logos' Secret Messages | Geekosystem

Genetically Modified Cows produce "Human" Breast Milk

Scientists from he China Agricultural University have introduced human genes into 300 dairy cows to produce milk with the same properties as human breast milk. Using cloning technology, scientists brought human genes into the DNA of Holstein dairy cows before genetically-modified embryos were implanted into surrogate cows.

So far, the Chinese scientists successfully created cows that contains human milk proteins lysozyme, lactoferrin, and alpha-lactalbumin. It might take more than ten years until this cow-produced human milk will be commercially available.